!-- @page { size: 21.59cm 27.94cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> **3 Hotel nights and 4 days **3 Breakfast **1 Tour to Monte Alban (Archeological zone) **1 Tour to Mitla **1 tour for the tranvía turistic **3 Dinners or lunch ** 2 childs minors of 11 years with out Hotel Charge same room with parents (Do not include admissionsto archeological zones) RATE PER PERSON IN SINGLE OCCUPANCY $ 219 usd RATE PER PERSON IN DOUBLE OCCUPANCY $ 150 usd RATE PER PERSON INTRIPLE OCCUPANCY $ 128 usd Pricer per child minor of 11 years (Sharing same room wuth parents) $ 57 usd ( Maximum 2 minors per room) |