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     Tweet !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^https:/.test(d.location)?'https':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');      Español         Home Facilities & Services Accommodations Specials & Packages Location Oaxaca  Activities & Attractions   Photos inicio                                        Welcome to Hotel Aitana   Reservation Assistance           var seaFqk = document.createElement("script"); seaFqk.type = "text/javascript"; var seaFqks = (location.protocol.indexOf("https") == 0 ? "" : "") + "/js/vhm/safe-standard.js?ps_h=aFqk\u0026ps_t=" + new Date().getTime() + "\u0026Sitio=Univisit%20CRS-Rate%20Manager"; setTimeout("seaFqk.src=seaFqks;document.getElementById('sdaFqk').appendChild(seaFqk)", 1)    Live Help            📅 Online Reservations    Accommodations Hotel Aitana offers a total of 23 spacious rooms nicely decorated with an elegant colonial style, and equipped with first-rate services. For one, two and up to four people, our rooms represent an excellent option for the traveler that looks for the best Oaxaca accommodations.

  Double Standard Room We have 8 Double Standard rooms, equipped with 2 single beds and capacity to accommodate 2 people. Choose this Oaxaca hotel room and enjoy television, wireless internet, room service, full bathroom and amenities.


 King Size Room The 6 rooms with king size bed available at Hotel Aitana offer the comfort and warmth of a home. With space for up to 2 people these rooms offer services like television, wireless internet, room service, full bathroom and amenities.


 Double Room The 5 Double rooms at Hotel Aitana Oaxaca are great lodging choices for families that visit Oaxaca, Mexico. Feature 2 double beds and accommodate 2 adults and 2 children or up to 4 adults. Stay in this room and enjoy television, wireless internet, room service, full bathroom and amenities.


 Triple Standard Room Our Oaxaca hotel features 4 Triple Standard rooms, equipped with 3 single beds and space for 3 people, between children and adults. For your comfort, these rooms include television, wireless internet, room service and, bathroom and amenities.

 General in-room amenities:  Ceiling fan Television Telephone Wireless internet Hair dryer Iron and ironing table Closet Dressing table Private bathroom with shower and amenities (towels, shampoo and soap) 24-hour safe box in reception Laundry service Wake up call       Please Wait. Loading.

                 Book on line    Check-in:     Check-out:          Rooms:  Select option: 1 2 3      Adults:  Select option: 1 2 3 4      Children:  Select option: 0 1 2 3           Select option: 1 2 3 4       Select option: 0 1 2 3           Select option: 1 2 3 4       Select option: 0 1 2 3          Promo:    Show Rates        📅 Online Reservations     Reserve    Check-in:         Check-out:          Rooms:     Adults:     Child       Corporate / Promotion Code:    Show rates               var btn = document.getElementById('btnReserva'); btn.addEventListener('click', Reserva, false); function Reserva() { var Room = "", Adults = "", Childs = "", propertyNumber = ""; Room = document.getElementById('mRooms').value; Adults = document.getElementById('mAdults').value; Childs = document.getElementById('mChilds').value; propertyNumber = document.getElementById("PropertyNumber").value; var qs = "?PropertyNumber=" + propertyNumber; qs += "&Provider=0"; qs += "&Rooms=" + Room; qs += "&AccessCode=" + document.getElementById("CodeProm").value; qs += "&NegociateRate=" + ""; qs += "&Currency=" + document.getElementById("AltCurrency").value; qs += "&Adults=" + Adults; qs += "&Children=" + Childs; qs += "&CheckIn=" + document.getElementById("checkInYear").value + document.getElementById("checkInMonth").value + document.getElementById("checkInDay").value; qs += "&CheckOut=" + document.getElementById("checkOutYear").value + document.getElementById("checkOutMonth").value + document.getElementById("checkOutDay").value; qs += "&Tab=Rates"; var app = "AitanaEng"; var completeurl = "" + app + "/hotel/hoteldescription.aspx" + qs; document.getElementById("loadingReserves").style.display = "flex"; }        Upcoming Events           Subscribe to Newsletter  Get the latest news and information direct from us to you!

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        ×   WHY RESERVE HERE?  ✔ Official website ✔ No intermediaries ✔ No additional costs ✔ Best online rate guaranteed ✔ Exclusive discounts ✔ Late check out (subject to availability) ✔ Early check in (subject to availability) ✔ Subscribe and get a special offer     RESERVE NOW      WHY RESERVE HERE?    /* */     /* */       window.jQuery || document.write('           $(document).ready(function () { jQuery("#scaFqk").remove(); jQuery(".vistaChat").mouseenter(function () { if (jQuery(".principalbanner").css("right") == "-190px") { jQuery(".principalbanner, .cerrar").animate({ "right": "0px" }, 800); } }); jQuery(".vistaChat, .cerrar").click(function () { if (jQuery(".principalbanner").css("right") == "0px") { jQuery(".principalbanner, .cerrar").animate({ "right": "-190px" }, 800); } }); jQuery(".principalbanner").mouseleave(function () { if (jQuery(".principalbanner").css("right") == "0px") { jQuery(".principalbanner, .cerrar").animate({ "right": "-190px" }, 800); } }); $("#tarifas").click(function () { console.log("DAV"); }); });    //||||||||booking||||||| document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", load, false); function load() { var btn = document.getElementById("tarifas"); btn.addEventListener("click", sub, false); } function sub() { var Adults = document.getElementById("iAdults").value; var menor = document.getElementById("iChildren").value; var hb2 = document.getElementById("habb2").style.display; var hb3 = document.getElementById("habb3").style.display; if (hb2 != "none" && hb3 == "none"){ Adults += "," + document.getElementById("iAdults2").value; menor += "," + document.getElementById("iChildren2").value; } else if (hb2 != "none" && hb3 != "none"){ Adults += "," + document.getElementById("iAdults2").value + "," + document.getElementById("iAdults3").value; menor += "," + document.getElementById("iChildren2").value + "," + document.getElementById("iChildren3").value; } var bk = document.forms["form-booking"]; var propertyNumber = document.getElementById("Destiny").value; var qs = "?PropertyNumber=" + propertyNumber; qs += "&Provider=0"; qs += "&Rooms=" + document.getElementById("cmbNumRooms").value; qs += "&AccessCode=" + document.getElementById("txtPromotionCode").value; qs += "&NegociateRate=" + document.getElementById("txtNegociateRate").value; qs += "&Currency=MXN"; qs += "&Adults=" + Adults; qs += "&Children=" + menor; qs += "&CheckIn=" + document.getElementById("checkin").value; qs += "&CheckOut=" + document.getElementById("checkout").value; qs += "&Tab=Rates"; var app = document.getElementById("bookingApi").value; /*switch (propertyNumber) { case "1663": app = "RomanoPalace"; break; case "4840": app = "Bristol"; break; case "237" : app = "SevillaTapatio"; break; case "4868": app = "PedregalPalace"; break; case "4869": app = "Radisson"; break; case "4841": app = "RoyalPedregal"; break; case "4866": app = "ElDiplomatico"; break; case "4870": app = "SegoviaRegency"; break; case "4468": app = "SevillaPalace"; break; }*/ var completeurl = "" + app + "/hotel/hoteldescription.aspx" + qs; document.getElementById("loadingReserves").style.display = "flex"; } //|||||||||fin booking |||||||| $(document).ready(function(){ //|||||||||||||||||||booking movil|||||||||||||||||||||| var date = new Date(); var day = date.getDate().toString().length == 1 ? 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